
Custom Search  South Africa

South Africa's Customised Google Search Engine Brings You a TOP 20 Directory List.

Find it here - Any type of Business, Entertainment, Accommodation, Car Sales & Rentals, Restaurants, Fast Food Outlets etc. You type it and we'll search for the TOP 20 relevant searches in the area of your choice. International & local enquiries that are exposed to millions online.

Choose the Town or Area. Type in what you're looking for in the Google custom search box using any keywords e.g. restaurant, accommodation, car rental, entertainment, financial, internet, jobs, medical, property, shops, sports and outdoors,  etc. Next choose the area or suburb listed at the top of the page under the heading "Refined links" to get accurate results for your search.

Let's say you want to go shopping in Knysna - select the  Garden Route tab on the left, type in "shops" in the search box, select Knysna from the refined links shown in the next window that opens - your results will display the TOP 20 listed shops in Knysna.

Your search results will automatically include synonyms for the keyword used e.g. Searching for shops will include shopping, shopping malls, shopping centres, clothes shops etc. Searching for accommodation will include hotels, guest houses, bed and breakfast etc. Searching for entertainment will include night life, restaurants, bars, pubs etc.

Easliy find accurate results returned on your searches.

Please use the contact form on the LHS menu to be listed on Search SA.