

Search East London as follows:

For effective search results to be returned please use keywords in the search box below e.g:
accommodation, blinds, book stores, car rental, car spares, dvd outlets, entertainment, financial, internet, jobs, medical, property, shops, sports and outdoors etc.

E.G. If you need to find a clothing store, type in "clothes or shops" in the search box below.
Next, select the required suburb or surrounding town under Refinements heading in the next window.



East London Town originated from a port established at the mouth of the Buffalo River by the British in 1847 for military purpose.

With later development of the port, came permanent residents most of whom were bachelors. In 1857 the British government took pity on them and a cargo of Irish girls arrived to help lift the moral.

Originally known as Port Rex and elevated to city status in 1914. Today also known as “Buffalo City”. The city is well known as a surfing mecca and its beaches are amongst the best in S.A.